Reproduced here for your delight and delectation,..... are the original 1922 Model Engineer articles that comprise the entire 'Battle of the Boiler's' debate! A fascinating read that includes comment from such notable names and personalities as LBSC, Henry Greenly, E.W.Twining and W.J.Bassett-Lowke to name but a few. Enjoy!
26th January 1922
9th February 1922
23rd February 1922
9th March 1922
16th March 1922
23rd March 1922
30th March 1922
6th April 1922
20th April 1922
11th May 1922
18th May 1922
25th May 1922
1st June 1922
8th June 1922
15th June 1922
22nd June 1922
6th July 1922
20th July 1922
27th July 1922
3rd August 1922
17th August 1922
24th August 1922
31st August 1922